Helloooooo This trip, we are going to go abroad to the country called Bali, but well, is Bali a country?! and where is it?
That's right, it doesn't exist! It's in the country called Indonesia. I also don't know where I got this idea that Bali is a country.

I always dream to visit Bali and believe that it's a country, haha.
In fact, Bali is an island of Indonesia!!! Anyway, let's go out to follow our dream at Bali.
I also want to know whether it's like what I have imagined... that is the sea, the mountains, and the strange local food.
If you are ready, let's go!!!!

** Before starting this 5 days journey, I have a small travel program that I put my heart into though the picture might not be so clear.
And I almost forgot to mention that I go solo on this trip, I take photo and do everything on my own!!!
And I also only have 7,000 THB!!! With a free round trip ticket with Thai Airways from Readme, my big thanks to you guys :)

There's only one direct flight to Bali daily at 8.50 a.m.
Breakfast is so yummy with Chicken Red Curry and delicious cake. After here and there for about 3 hours flight, now I reach Bali, Indonesia, yay!!!
Are you ready? Oh well, what the immigration would ask me? I'm not very good at language....

At the Bali Airport Immigration
I hand in my passport to the officer and smile.
The Immigration: Looking puzzle and speak Indonesian to me, "#()$)*^$(*"
and take a look at passport and say, "You Thailand Sorry Sorry"
The Immigration: How Long Day in Bali? Me: 5 Days.
Then the staff asks: What Do You Do? I understood that they asked me what I'm going to do here. So I answered "Travel, I go to Kuta and l go to Ubud and Travel around Bali.
The Immigration: Looking puzzle?? and with a heavier tone, "What Do You Do?"
Now I start to panic, may be my accent is really bad? So I answered again "Travel"
The immigration still looks puzzle, OMG! I'm going to get private investigation...
Again, the immigration asks: W h a t .. D o.. Y o u.. D o.. ! At this moment, I almost cry.
Again the immigration says: ... Holiday or Working or Study? I quickly answer with smile "Holiday Holiday"
Then, the immigration stamps and let me pass. I'm thinking, am I wrong by saying travel? --*

Well, let it be. The next task is how to get to downtown.
From the
Lonely Planet that I bought for 1,xxx THB said taxi is the only means to go downtown.
I didn't quite believe that so I walk around the airport several times before finally giving up and go for a taxi.
I asked confidently " I want go to Kuta How much ?"
"One hundred Rupiahs" which is 100,000 IDR or about 250 THB.
It's only less than 10 km from the map, quite expensive, but well, what can I do?
I almost forgot to mention that the exchange rate at that time was 1 THB = 350 IDR which I exchanged it from the green super rich at the Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Now we are at the Kuta Beach. I said to get off at the Beach Walk which in fact they can drop us in front of the hotel.
But the problem is at me.....I can't find the hotel that I book from Thailand.
I find the hotel for about an hour....asking this person and that person before finally found it, haha.

Well, it locates right in the alley but it's quite ok.
It's quite beautiful, the room is clean, has a TV, a fridge, a shower tub, and a swimming pool.
This hotel is called Puri Tanah lot. I book from Thailand for 340 THB.

I choose to come to Kuta because it's close to the airport since I reach here at 14.00 p.m. and it'd be difficult to take the ride to the city.
It is also said that this place has lots of bars and beautiful sea. Let's go find out!!!

The street is great and easy to roam around. There's a mini mart in front of our alley. Let's go to the sea now.

From afar, we can see the gate leading towards the sea, looking so cool!

This time, the wind is so strong. The trash flies around, and also into my face, oh my..

The sea is quite alright but I think the surfer would love it as the waves looking so good for surfing.
That I cannot swim, so this is not so my thing. Anyway, there's a teaching class too, the price ranges from 200000 - 500000 IDR.
For me, beer Bali is my thing, but where is it!!??

The sun is about to set and the beer is not yet in my stomach.....

Let's stop at this shop, I think they must have one!!! Immediately, Indonesian was spoken to me, am I look that Indonesian????
I replied " Do you have Beer?" He looks confused and asked "Where from ?? I said "Thailand" and he then "Oh, Thailand, haha."

And yeah, I have a beer in my hand...let's enjoy this chill atmosphere....Actually, there're several nice bars near the sea.
It is 25000 IDR per bottle or about 60 THB. I think it's quite expensive but the taste is great. They offer about 4-5 flavors. It also has fruity taste but I think the original taste is the best. I enjoy 3 bottles, haha.

How does this look like Indonesia??? haha.

And yes, here is the view in front of us, it's quite beautiful.

Then I just realize that I haven't eaten anything yet since Thailand so I walk to find something to eat along the Kuta Street. There're really lots of food and I think the price probably is also quite high.

I think it looks expensive so I didn't dare to go in, haha. I have a very limited budget and I must spend it carefully. If I eat expensive thing, how am I going to have money for beer tomorrow, haha.

I see this shop and think that the price should be reasonable.
Then, I order the Chicken Red Curry which might look similar to Thai dish but the taste is different. The Red Curry here has more concentrated coconut milk, strong spices and the tastes is a bit spicy and sweet.
This dish costs me 32000 IDR or about 80 THB. Good job me, haha.

The 2nd Day at Kuta

I wanted to go to Ubud, the city that they said we should not miss when visiting Bali, but how are we going to get there?
The Lonely Planet said that there's public transportation and local bus called BEMO.
I found the BEMO but it's too local, no one speak English, &#^$%*^&^&(%&^%(^&
Though the bus looks very cute and comfy, I can't communicate with them, haha. Let's go take public bus.

But the bus is so expensive, it's 200,000 IDR or about 500 THB.
Then, I walk around to see the sign reads Ubud 70,000 IDR so I ask to know that it's a shared taxi.
Well, at least it's cheaper than the bus, let's take this option. The car to Ubud only has three times: 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. and 15.00 p.m. The price is around 60,000 - 70,000 IDR. You can walk several shops, the price is a bit varied.
Let's eat now, I like local food.

It's quite local, isn't it? Fried Chicken with Rice, haha. But the dipping sauce is great, taste like Pla Ra sauce.

The AC is very cool and so as the car. It picks us up from the hotel. There're 4 foreign passengers altogether. Let's go Ubud, the cultural city.

After an hour, we now reach Ubud.
Now, it's noon and the weather here is similar to Thailand which is about 30-35 degree.
Oh well, where is the hotel? Like usual, I book this hotel from Thailand.
But, I didn't book for tomorrow and didn't know where to go even, haha. Anyway, let's go find the hotel first.
At Kuta, I think it's already difficult to find as there were many alleys. But here is more difficult, I almost cannot differentiate between the houses and the temples.
Well, it looks so alike. Here is the house and that is the temple. Sometimes, houses are in the temples or the temple also offer accommodation service, so confusing!

And here is my accommodation, haha, looking like I sleep inside the temple, haha.

Here is Grey House Ubud where I book from Thailand. It is 510 THB which offers breakfast, AC room and a private bathroom.
Looking comfy, ok, let's leave our luggage here and go out to explore to see whether Ubud will be beautiful as they said.

I think this city has a great charm, with a perfect combination between culture and art.

Here is the temple.

And here is the accommodation. Quite confusing, right? haha. Like I said, it's so difficult to differentiate.

And our first destination for today is Monkey Forest. According to the Lonely Planet, we must visit this place. The ticket is 40,000 IDR.

Well, we come here to see monkey that they have preserved and raised. Because I didn't know history about this place, I can only watch and walk here and there, haha. It seems like monkey is the sacred animal here.
This place is quite shady but not recommended for setting up the tripod and take a photo because the monkey might steal your tripod, water, or snack, haha.
But overall, it's quite beautiful with a waterfall.

After coming out, I'm hungry again because it's quite far.

It looks like noddle cart so I try one by pointing and saying one one...

Here it is, it tastes quite good. It looks like a Thai noodle but more sticky.
It has lots of meatballs and the delicious part is this fried dumplings stuffed spicy thing. It's called something basu, busi....I did't quite get it.
It is 10,000 IDR or 25 THB. Though it can't fill me, it is quite interesting, the Indonesian noodle, haha.

After that, let's go find temples. I want to visit temple.
I'm thinking that I didn't go to temples so much while I'm in Thailand but now I really feel like going to Indonesian temples, haha.

Look like I have lots of sin, haha, the temple closes. Here is Pura Taman Saraswati.
I didn't know about the history but it looks very beautiful. The book said that the former ruler built this temple for the daughter? I'm not sure, haha.
If you like architecture or history, you would like this city.

Ok, now it's time to eat. In the beautiful city like this, let's enjoy the restaurant atmosphere.
I just order randomly, I just want to eat local food and haven't had one yet.

Here it is......Tom Kha Kai (Chicken Coconut Soup), haha. Oh well, they said it's local food, so I ordered....Or probably, their food is similar to ours.
Anyway, the food tastes good, the atmosphere is too romantic. The food is 67,100 IDR and 2 beers for 25,000 IDR.

From the first day experience looking for cars, I found that it got full pretty quick so today I'm searching for more information from Google.
Oh!! I almost forgot to mention that I bought a sim card for 100,000 IDR which comes with 15 GB internet for 7 days and the internet is very fast!

My apology that I didn't take a photo but it's this operator. This photo was taken from Google.
After searching for a while, I found Munduk to be very beautiful so I wanted to go.
But my dream falls apart because due to the landslide, the car didn't go there much. If I want to go, I have to hire the entire car which cost about a million IDR, Oh no!!!
They recommend to go to Amed instead, which offers local sea, beautiful and godo view. Oh well, let's go this place instead then.
Actually, I'm not quite impressed with the Kuta sea and didn't feel like visiting the sea too much. It's also the monsoon season.
But I couldn't think of where else to go. So let's go to Amed with a transportation of 145,000 IDR.
The car comes pick me up 11 a.m. in front of my hotel.

The 3rd Day at Ubud

I wake up with rain. I love rain the most because it's cool and refreshing. I really want to experience the rain and I did.
Meanwhile, I got very hungry. I remembered that I brought instant noodle with me so let's enjoy it as breakfast.

When the rain is about to stop, let's go explore and see what people are doing in the morning.

Here is the zone where we could search for where to go, rent a car or a shared taxi. There're really lots of shops here which offer different price and car conditions.

The street is great. Although the rain was hard, the street is so dry, unlike our country, haha.

Then, I see something like a flea market, let's check it out!

It looks like Chatuchak Market in Thailand. Since I'm not a shopaholic, so I just take a look, haha.

11.00 a.m. is the appointed time but the car comes at 11.15 a.m. Well, that's alright :)

Today, the mini bus is full of the passengers. Probably Amed is really beautiful.

I got very excited by the view along the way. We go pass one after the other mountains. The two sides are also full of rice fields. I wanted to say "thank you" for the ones who recommend me to come here, it's really great!

After 4 hours, we still see this view. But, where is Amed, it's really far!!!

Finally, it is five hours from Ubud.
Now, we are at Amed which locates on the western side of Bali.
I have to say that I love it at first sight. It's very local and every house is located near the sea.
But today I didn't book in advance so I just look around to find the price I'm ok with. It's 160,000 IDR. It's so great. It's the near next to the sea and only costs me 400 THB.

It's called Sunset Coin Beach Homestay. It's so great but with no AC. It has a fan and a private bathroom and no TV.
And this didn't bother me much because I can closely see the sea!!! It's within a few steps, just about 50 meters.

This is the view in front of my room.

What's more is the bar is just next door, haha, which help me make this decision easier, haha.

Ok, there's no food in my stomach yet, but let's have a beer first...

And I just notice that....the sand is black and the sea is so beautiful in blue. This is quite a unique view. Also, the beach is absolutely empty.
Probably, no one come to have a beer at 4 p.m. while the sun is still strong?
Anyway, this place is very beautiful. I also enjoy 2 beers.

Well, here is a huge mountain view. From what I read, it's said here has the biggest mountain in Bali.

I can resist no more, let's just swim.

After that, I look afar to see a place looking like a restaurant on a mountain and I feel like eating there.

Just following the beach and it doesn't seem like far.

In fact, it is quite far...

Finally I reach this luxurious restaurant, but I'm going in like this, haha.

Confidently, I said " Do you have menu?" And a waiter looks puzzled, haha.
Where are you from ? so I answered "I from Thailandddddd"

Then, I got a dish of rice and Fried Rice Spaghetti. This meal costs me 47,000 IDR and I think it's so worth the walk.

Let's go back before it's dark as it's quite far.
At night, I come out for beer and look at the stars at the bar next to my house. The stars are so beautiful.

The 4th Day at Amed

I wake up to find this great and fresh air!

There's also a light mist. It's so beautiful and I didn't think I would get to see this close up mountain view.

It is said that we can take a local boat from here to Kili Island, wow, it's so good.

I really want to stay another night but I must fly back tomorrow so let's stay close to the airport to make sure we won't miss the flight.
Several company offers the ride back to Kuto or other places.
I finally got a deal of 175,000 IDR and the car pick me up at my hotel. This morning my hotel offers breakfast to me too, it's so good.

Banana Roti tastes so yummy.

Then I go back to Kuta but I didn't want to stay at the same place. So I walk up while carrying up my stuff like this.
It's so heavy. Well, the taxi won't get my money, haha. Yes, it's really far. It's about a kilometer away from Kuta.
And here is Seminyak.

After a long walk, I finally reach my room at Meriki Hostel which is a mixed Drome.

It has 10 beds but no one else stays here except me which is quite a bit scary.
Well, the room is quite spacious but just me staying, haha. It is 160,000 IDR. The bathroom is nice and the AC is very cool.
** I recommend not to stay alone in the hostel as it's quite scary, haha ***

Ok, let's go explore around..

Well, I think this is not my place because everything looks quite luxurious like the restaurants and the bars. It's so luxurious that I didn't dare to visit, haha.
It's like I've come to a different country. Anyway, let's go enjoy the beach which took me about an hour to find.
Here is Seminyak Beach.

The sun is about to set and it's very beautiful. Let's go find a place to have a beer, haha.

This place is also known as double six which I'm not sure what it means, haha.
It's quite cool, with a chill and hang out places all along the beach.

Today I still have some money left so let's try fast fast, haha.

This meal costs me 107,000 IDR, oh well, it's alright.
And here it is, Bali in my view, haha.
I have about 7,000 THB or 3 millions IDR as my pocket money which last me about 5 days.
What's more is that, my taxi to the airport only costs me 70,000 IDR and I didn't have to negotiate. On the way here, it was 100,000 IDR after several negotiations....

Thank you so much for reading until this line...Please accept my apology for any mistakes.

This trip, I must sincerely thank Readme for providing a free Thai Airways ticket to me and allowing me to travel in my own style and once again sharing my story here.
If my review is great then I also get a high review marks that I can exchange for more rewards. That's so nice.
Also, I'd like to thank Thai Airways for sponsoring the ticket to us.

See you guys again in our next trip. Please stay in tune for the place that Mai Kee Baht will take you.

When you want to travel, just go out, it will be only Mai Kee Baht (not so expensive).

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