Traveling solo is an exciting adventure that will allow you to learn more about yourself and pave the way for a more flexible travel lifestyle.

Photo by Febiyan on Unsplash

Especially you, solo female travelers! Solo traveling is very safe and many women have solo traveled very successfully. There is a negative stigma around solo female travelers. If you’re smart and don’t put yourself in dangerous situations, solo female travelers is one of the most fun and empowering adventures you can ever embark on. Like traveling in general, you just have to be smart about it and aware of your surroundings.

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I’ve compiled a list of ten cities that in my opinion, are not only safe for solo female travelers, but also interesting and fun!

1. New York, NY

The Big Apple, the city that never sleeps. Whether you want to have breakfast at 3 in the morning or go to a free concert in a park, New York has it all. Not only that, but there is so much to see and do in New York City. Walk along the High Line, which is an abandoned train track, put on your fanciest outfit, and see a show on Broadway, or head to Central Park during the summertime when there are free performances, beautiful boat rides, and food vendors.

There are numerous bars and restaurants to choose from that offer any kind of cuisine and drink. Don’t forget to grab a slice of New York pizza and a bagel!

Prices here can be a bit expensive, especially if you go out to a bar and buy a drink or go out to eat at a restaurant. There are cheap bagels and $1 slices of pizza, and the coffee can be cheap too. Hotels will be a bit on the expensive side, so I suggest splitting a room with someone or doing Airbnb.

I’m always in New York by myself and am constantly intrigued by its vastness and choices of activities. As a recommendation, choose well known safer neighborhoods, such as the Upper East and West sides, Midtown, and the Lower East and West sides. Like any other place, be careful of your surroundings at night.

2. Wellington City, New Zealand

Photo by Sulthan Auliya on Unsplash

Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2011 named Wellington City number four on the Top 10 Cities to visit in 2011. I haven’t personally been here myself, but I have a friend who lives here and I have done plenty of research! All of New Zealand is very safe, but this little capital city is one of a kind.

Hike up Mount Victoria, eat delicious cuisine, and ride the Wellington Cable Car. Prices in New Zealand are a bit expensive, but there are a lot of things to do that are free.

3. Bangkok, Thailand

I haven’t personally been here either, but I am heading here in October as the first destination for a big Southeast Asia solo trip! I have done plenty of research and am completely confident in how safe Bangkok is. Not only is there a lot of history and gorgeous temples, but a wild nightlife and friendly people.

This is a great destination if you’re on a budget since transportation, accommodation, and food is incredibly cheap (especially if you’re coming from somewhere like New Zealand or New York!).

Be wary of pick-pocketing and theft, especially during the nighttime. Make sure your belongings are secure.

4. Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Photo by Have Fun Do Good on Unsplash

Tamarindo is a young, hip beach and surf town on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. During the day you can relax in the sun, grab a drink at one of the many beach bars, go surfing, or take a number of tours that the town has to offer.

At night, the city comes alive. Bars filled with a young crowd jamming the night away to reggae music while drinking beer to cool them down. There are a number of hostels that have young, international people staying at them. I stayed at the Coral Reef Hostel and absolutely loved it. The people there were so friendly, and I spent a few hours in the morning lounging on one of the hammocks outside.

Costa Rica is full of luscious jungles, pristine beaches, and beautiful volcanoes. The country has everything from hiking, to surfing, to trekking. Although it’s a bit on the expensive side, there are ways to spend minimal money and see as much as possible.

5. Montreal, Canada

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

If you want a taste of Europe without actually going there then Montreal is perfect. There are dozens of nightclubs, bars, and a plethora of museums. There are also the Montreal Botanical Gardens, where you will find greenhouses and many different gardens and flora.

Canadians are also some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet! Montreal is about 5 hours away from the beautiful Niagara Falls.

6. Copenhagen, Denmark

Photo by Ava Coploff on Unsplash

I spent four months in Copenhagen and spent the majority of my time exploring by myself. Copenhagen has a wide variety of things to do and see, such as Nyhavn, the Little Mermaid, Christiania park (a free-town hippie community), and a ton of free museums where you can learn about the history of Copenhagen.

Take a stroll along with one of the canals, rent a bike, or grab a Carlsburg beer and walk along Strøget, the city’s shopping center. During the summer months, everyone is outside socializing and soaking in the sun. Copenhagen can be quite expensive, but again, there are ways to travel cheaply. Rent a bike, go grocery shopping, and stay in one of the many hostels that are a great price and directly in the center of the city.

7. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Another European country where I felt incredibly safe. Amsterdam is similar to Copenhagen in that it has a heavy biking culture. The Dutch are very friendly and the food is incredible as well.

There are exciting things to do like go to the Red Light District and visit one of the many coffee shops. You can also see the Van Gogh Museum and the Anne Frank Museum, both of which are incredible.

8. Berlin, Germany

Besides Copenhagen, this was the first city that I traveled to solo. Berlin has become one of my favorite cities by far. Its grunginess intertwined with history makes it an incredibly unique city to visit. There are a number of biking tours to partake in where a guide will take you through the whole city where you see most of the famous monuments. You can also visit the East Side Gallery, a beautiful memorial of the Berlin Wall, which is covered in paintings from artists that are filled with intense emotion. This was my favorite thing to see in Berlin.

There are interesting underground Berlin clubs as well, and of course, German food.

9. Reykjavik, Iceland

Photo by Michael Held on Unsplash

Visit during the summertime when it is light out 24/7. If you love being outdoors and going on adventures, then Iceland is the perfect place. There are glaciers, mountains, hot springs, and a ton of breath-taking hikes you can experience. Some of the views you will see in not only Reykjavik but all of Iceland are stunning and nothing like you will ever see in your life.

10. Bergen, Norway

Bergen is another city for outdoor lovers. It is tucked next to the mountains and has plenty of hiking trails available. If your budget allows it, there are also fjord tours available. A fjord is a narrowed and extended sea or lake-drain that was formed over centuries from glaciers. They are one of the most incredible natural formations you will ever see in your life.

Do you have any more suggestions on destinations for solo female travelers?

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Kach Umandap

Kach Umandap

 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 2:07 PM
