Hello everyone, it's the rainy season now, isn't it? It rains every day. Frequent rain may make people go out less often. Because the rain makes it inconvenient to travel. But where can we still try to find a place to visit that is suitable for the rainy season? Actually, I saw a lot of pictures shared on the web before. But I don't know much about it. I just know that they call it Pilok. I think the name is strange. It must be in a foreign country. When I asked my mother, she sent me a line to see. Oh, it's in Thailand.

In the past, Pilok Mine was located in E-tong Village, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province. Although Kanchanaburi is not far from Bangkok by car, it took almost 7 hours to reach the mine, covering a distance of 337 kilometers. The road conditions from Thong Pha Phum District to the mine are mountainous, with some sections in poor condition. However, sedan cars can easily navigate the route. The village is situated near the Thai-Myanmar border, with a distance of only 60 kilometers separating the two countries.

From Bangkok, take the Phetkasem Road, passing Nakhon Pathom, Ban Pong, and Kanchanaburi. Before reaching the city, turn onto the road leading to Sai Yok.

After that, we followed the road to Thong Pha Phum District. From the district office, it was about 70 kilometers to the village, which took almost 2 hours. On the way from the district office to E-Tong village, we had to pass the Vajiralongkorn Dam, but we decided to visit it the next day. Throughout the journey, we were surrounded by nature. The trees and forests grew larger, and the mountains drew closer. The atmosphere was fantastic. Along the way, we passed several tourist attractions, but we decided to visit them the next day.

We stopped at a scenic viewpoint on the way up to Pilok Mine to use the restroom.

From this point, you can see the dam and mountains.

This location offers full network coverage for all mobile carriers.

We have arrived at the village. The parking lot is located in front of the village. There is a parking space available for you to park. Our accommodation for tonight is Love Pilok Homestay.

This village currently lacks hotels, but one is planned for the future. There are numerous lodging options available in the village. However, we opted to stay here because my mother insisted that it was a must-visit. We had to make a reservation a month in advance through Line: lovepilok because the rooms are limited and frequently fully booked. We were able to secure a room for two people for 1,000 baht, including breakfast. An additional bed cost 200 baht, bringing the total for four people to 1,400 baht. Breakfast, hot water for bathing, but no air conditioning are included because the weather is cool year-round. Initially, I was skeptical, but they provided a fan that we didn't even need to turn on because the evening air was genuinely chilly.

Next to the accommodation, there is a roti stall called "Nong Tonkhao" selling crispy roti. I bought it twice, it was so good.

Afterward, we walked through the market to have lunch, heading straight to Krua Jeh Nee. It's a restaurant where most tourists eat, and we were particularly interested in trying the Burmese crab. The restaurant imports its seafood from Burma, which is close to Dawei. However, due to a storm in Burma, there was a shortage of seafood, so we couldn't try the crab. Instead, we ordered regular dishes like green eggs, stir-fried basil, clear soup, and mixed mushroom stir-fry. The food prices were reasonable.

It is currently around 5 pm. Suddenly, thick fog descended, making me wonder if it was a fire. ???

The fog was incredibly thick, descending to an unprecedented level, enveloping us completely. It was the first time I had ever experienced fog so dense that it reached my body. As I walked back to my accommodation, I sat and watched the fog drift past my room, swirling and shifting.

We took a walk around the bridge near our accommodation, but the fog was so thick that we couldn't see anything.

To visit Pilok without buying a souvenir tag is like not visiting at all.

From the Love Pilok Homestay parking lot, the rightmost one, the fog is so thick that you can't see anything.

Mineral Bridge

The fog is so thick, what is that? It's also starting to drizzle.

The nighttime atmosphere is incredibly romantic, surpassing the daytime ambiance. As dusk settles, the village becomes sparsely populated as everyone retreats to their accommodations. Locals return to their homes, and the air gradually cools.

It's time for bed. Sweet dreams and good night.

I slept early last night at 9 p.m. because the weather was very cold and comfortable to sleep in. I woke up with a start at 6 a.m. feeling very refreshed. I opened the curtains and saw that the morning air was very clear with no fog. It's a different feeling when there's no fog, isn't it?

After showering and getting dressed, it was time for breakfast. Breakfast at Love Pilok Homestay is served from 7-9 am and consists of hot rice porridge, Ovaltine, coffee, and bread. Although there is only one option for breakfast, you can eat as much as you like. Enjoy your breakfast while taking in the view.

Utterly blissful. The stress from work just melts away in this atmosphere. It's like my brain is taking a break, recharging itself.

Initially, our homestay host suggested that we go up to the viewpoint first, as the fog had not yet descended heavily. However, we opted to explore the village first.

This village has many friendly local dogs.

This morning, there weren't many people, so I was able to take many photos from my favorite angles. This morning, we explored the Pilok Mine first.

No Entry

We noticed a small stream, so we walked along it. The water was crystal clear. As we got closer, we saw several orange koi fish swimming in the clear water.

As I approached, I discovered a small waterfall, creating a serene and secluded atmosphere. It felt like stepping into another world, a testament to my vivid imagination.

The atmosphere inside the mine is good, isn't it?

Explore the surrounding area of the mine.

You can also walk up to the top.

Having explored the mine, let's move on to explore the village.

We continued exploring the E-tong village.

This angle is beautiful, just like the Hobbit village.

A small village nestled in the valley, exuding a timeless charm. The friendly villagers greeted us with warm smiles and welcoming gestures.

This village has several accommodations, including a newly opened one called "Cheun Homestay" and "Baan Tor Mai." I asked the owner's permission to take pictures, but there are no views to show as it is located inside the village, not by the reservoir. It is close to "Jeh Nee" restaurant.

There is a trendy coffee shop in the village, but I was still full so I didn't stop by for a drink.

Souvenirs, shirts, and postcards are available for purchase.

Wandering around taking photos, this village actually has many beautiful spots for photography. It really depends on individual preferences, but I personally love it.

The renowned Khao Chang Puak is only 8 kilometers from the village.

The gibbon warned me that this village has many territorial animals, but they are friendly.

Explore the village by walking around.

For those who do not have access to private transportation, yellow taxis are available. They operate on a schedule.

Following the path to its end, you will find Hill House, offering stunning views of the mountains and streams. Immersed in nature, it sits atop a hill, attracting many visitors. However, we believe the distance to the mist-shrouded areas might be a bit far for a walk.

Let's explore the bottom further.

I happened to meet an elderly man who was picking flowers to offer at the temple. I was worried that he might fall, so I rushed over to grab his arm. He waved his hand to indicate that he was fine. The old man was wearing a sarong. Most of the villagers here are of Burmese descent. Women wear long skirts, and men wear sarongs.

Strolling past the villagers' houses, I observed their laid-back lifestyle. The air was fresh and clean, making me envious of their peaceful existence.

After exploring the village until past 10 am, the fog started to descend. The mountain view that was visible earlier is now obscured by the thick fog.

The fog is so thick that visibility is zero. The village is truly shrouded in mist.

The atmosphere in front of the accommodation is amazing. As soon as you open the bedroom door, you will be in awe.

To capture the perfect shot, patience is key. The fog may drift and dissipate, but with a little time, it will return, thick and mesmerizing.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to Pilok, it is highly recommended to wear a hat that protects against rain or mist. This will help prevent potential illness caused by exposure to the elements. Additionally, it is advisable to carry fever medication as a precaution. The excitement of experiencing the mist and taking numerous photos can lead to prolonged exposure, which may result in headaches or fever later in the evening.

After that, we went up to the Elephant Battle Hill, but we couldn't see anything because of the thick fog. Actually, the view would be much better if we came in the morning. The guide recommended us to do so, but we didn't listen. We regret it, but it's okay, we'll go again.

This village is home to the Pilok natural mineral water factory. We bought three packs of water for 65 baht each to take home.

See you again, I fell in love with this village.

Next, we will visit the Jok Kradin Waterfall, with an entrance fee of 40 baht per person and a car fee of 30 baht. However, this ticket can also be used to enter Thong Pha Phum National Park. The walk to the waterfall is about 200 meters. During the rainy season, it rains every day, resulting in a large amount of water. The water is very cold.

From the main road, there will be a signpost. Turn in there. The road will be a bit rough, but sedans can pass.

The stream is in sight, continue walking, we are close to the waterfall.

You can go down and play in the water, but be careful because it is very cold.

The water level is very high, and it continues to rise. Officials are monitoring the situation closely.

The water is crystal clear and refreshingly cold. However, standing close to the waterfall will get you soaked from the spray.

The waterfall is truly beautiful. Come and see for yourself.

If you have already paid the entrance fee at the waterfall, you can show your ticket to enter Thong Pha Phum National Park.
Visit the Tarzan House, a unique treehouse accommodation with multiple units.
There is also a viewpoint nearby, but the thick fog may obstruct your view.

The distance from Thong Pha Phum National Park to Kanchanaburi city is 205 kilometers.

We stopped by the viewpoint on the way up to Pilok Mine again, but today the fog was so thick that we couldn't see anything.

Free entry to the Vachiralongkorn Dam, but an entry/exit card is required. The atmosphere on the dam crest is excellent.

Take a stroll through the fresh market in Thong Pha Phum district.

The golden mangosteen from Phabhum is very sweet. Buy it! 3 kg for 100 baht.

After visiting Thong Pha Phum District, we will continue our journey to the Sangkhla Buri Mon Bridge. It is recommended to fill up your gas tank before proceeding. The gas station is located approximately 1 kilometer past the left turn towards Sangkhla Buri. Make sure to fill up before the gas station, as there are no gas stations along the way to Sangkhla Buri.

After a short drive, we arrived at the Mon Bridge. We quickly checked into our room at the Sam Prasop Resort, where we would be staying for the night.

A long-standing resort that has been a part of this place for a long time. I remember staying here as a child.

The hotel is now much larger than before, and the new building now has a swimming pool.

It is almost 5 pm now, so I am inquiring about the tour boat. The staff contacted the main office. The price for the 1-temple tour program is 300 baht, and the 3-temple tour is 500 baht. The price is for a private boat. So I chose to go to 3 temples.

1. Wat Si Suwannaram, an ancient Karen temple, is submerged underwater.

2. Wat Somdet Kaeo, a former Thai temple, was once situated on a hilltop but now lies abandoned.

3. The ancient Wat Wang Wiwekaram, a Mon temple that has emerged above the water's surface. During the rainy season (October), walking around the temple may be restricted. However, during the dry season, more extensive exploration is possible. The temple features traditional Mon architecture, including kuti (monks' residences) and an ancient drum tower.

The children were having a great time swimming. They live in the village nearby. Sometimes they also act as guides, introducing the history of the temple.

The water level varies depending on the month. During October, the area is completely flooded, making it impossible to walk.

Let's take a look around the exterior.

This section is the old monk's hut and drum tower.

Most villagers use boats as their primary mode of transportation.

The atmosphere around the boat trip reminded me of the time I spent on Inle Lake in Myanmar.

It takes just over an hour to return to the pier, where you can take a stroll on the Mon Bridge.

The majority of the villagers are Mon people, including this young girl. She is adorned with Thanaka paste on her cheeks and wears a charming longyi.

A stroll on the Mon Bridge today, where the crowd is sparse on a Sunday evening.

Local children approached, offering free Thanaka application. They had a wide variety of designs to choose from.

Mom wants to take a walk to the Mon village.

Aunt Yen sat greeting tourists as they walked by. She was taking orders for alms-giving sets for the next day, which cost 90-120 baht each. However, Nong Ning was afraid she wouldn't wake up in time, so she didn't order one.

The concrete bridge on the other side is for vehicles traveling to Wat Wang Wiwekaram. Please use that route.

The wooden Mon bridge is used by local residents daily to cross the river.

On weekdays, there are few people, and it is very spacious.

The local resident has come to sleep and welcome you.

Some people choose to sleep on a floating raft, while others opt for a homestay on the lower level. There are also rafts available for paddling in the water.

A mother and daughter pose for a picture. The caption asks, "Who is prettier, the mother or the daughter?" and playfully answers, "The daughter, of course!"

This section features photos of my younger sibling, who expertly arranged and captured the shots.

In the evening, the weather is pleasant, but in E-tong village, the air is much cooler than here.

I recommend staying at Samprasob Resort because it offers the best views and a variety of room options. They are currently running a promotion until the end of September, offering a 15% discount on the regular price. You can book your stay directly through their website: http://www.samprasob.com or by calling (034) 595-050.

This will be a view of the Mon Bridge, a wooden bridge.

The Red Bridge is located on the left bank.

The swimming pool offers stunning views, making it a highlight of the property.

Drive to visit the Mon Bridge, a wooden bridge on the Mon side.

Across the Mon River, you can see the Three Experiences Resort on the opposite bank.

Wat Wang Wiwekaram New (Luang Pho Uttama Temple)

To show respect for the temple, visitors should dress appropriately. The Mon people hold this temple in high regard, and many local residents wear traditional clothing when visiting.

Nearby, there is the Mahabodhi Temple.

Finally, there are the three pagodas.

The Three Pagodas Pass on the Thai-Burmese border. We can cross over to visit, there are many companies offering tours. The price is not expensive, only a few hundred baht, but I didn't have time to cross over.

This concludes our journey through the E-tong village.
E-tong village, also known as Pilok Mine, is a popular destination for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful retreat.
With its stunning mountain scenery, friendly locals, and unique blend of cultures, E-tong is a place that will surely capture your heart.

For accommodation in E-tong (Pilok), we recommend Love Pilok Homestay.
Love Pilok Homestay can be booked via Line: lovepilok.
The price for a room for two is 1,000 baht, including breakfast.

For accommodation in Sangkhlaburi with a view of the Mon Bridge, we recommend Samprasob Resort.
They are currently offering a 15% discount on their regular rates until the end of September.
Bookings can be made directly through their website: http://www.samprasob.com or by calling (034) 595-050.

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