Fairy Meadows ::: Heaven on earth

Welcome on the journey that many people are scared to visit

-- Pakistan --

No one think this place would be existed in this country...

So today we are going to discover the mystery place

** F A I R Y M E A D O W S ***

Taking the Jeep from Raikot Bridge to Tattu Village which take us about 1.30hrs.

The atmosphere while driving^^

Driving on the brae...



The road was built and repaired by villagers.

Feeling like stop breathing when the cars are passing each other.... Z...z.....z

Cannot even talk!!!!

It seems very dry between both side of the road but we still see some greenery scene.

The end of the road.. now we have to choose either walk or ride on a horse!!!

Good luck and Good bye

From the village to the Fairy Meadows....

The distance is about 6 - 7 KM., it takes about 2.30 - 3.00 hrs. (For riding horse will faster 15-30 minutes).

Riding a horse up there and it always walk at the rim....Whoooo!!!!!

--- Listen to the mountain sound---

Stay still and look around to enjoy the moment...^^

Fairy Meadows is located at 3,300 m. above the sea level. The weather is very cold in all seasons such as in Summer is cold during the night and in Autumn water will become ice.

Waking up early...And this is what we see in front of our room....

And light fog^^

It is such a very bright day ^^

Let's your mind fly.....

Nanga Parbat

The 9th highest mountain in the world with over 8,000 m. height....It is so elegant!!!!

The time is up!!!

While looking back we will see Rakaposhi Peak which is another important mountain peak of Pakistan with a height of 7,788 m. as our background.

This is the place that you should not miss when visit Pakistan

and you have to go in the right season.

We would say that Summer would be the best season for visiting (between June to August).

Just stay still and let's your mind fly.....

= = F a i r y M e a d o w s = =

Thank you very much

Good bye^^

Wit Payothornsiri

WitGoAway Traveller

 Wednesday, May 31, 2017 5:08 PM
