If you only have 2 days to relax and you're feeling bored and don't know what to do or where to go, you're tired of malls, tired of traffic jams, and you're wondering what to do, here are some ideas:

How about we go out and breathe some fresh air? Let's go somewhere that's only a 1-hour drive from Bangkok, but it's really good for your lungs. The place we want to recommend today is Sampran Riverside.

Like....chilling by the river, watching the sunset, eating delicious food... Waking up and trying something you've never done before, like paddling a boat into the garden, picking vegetables, thinking of a menu, and cooking a meal for yourself, as if it were your own garden. I'd like to try woodcarving, weaving, boxing, fencing, making sweets, admiring the rice fields, and many other things you've never done before....

This trip, you get to choose what you want to do. Relax, breathe in the fresh air, learn something new, or experience life in a way you've never tried before. Choose what you want to do first... or just choose one thing you like. : )

A short trip to a nearby place with beautiful scenery, to breathe fresh air, to admire nature, to learn about life, it must be quite something...

Here you will get ...

It's fun to watch standing, sitting, or lying down, isn't it? : )

If you just want to go eat and take pictures of the river view, the same view from the bedroom, this is also okay. Like taking your girlfriend to eat, take pictures, watch the sunset. Oh, I'm telling you, it's so cool... I have to show you the pictures first.

There are quite a few restaurants here, but if you want to sit and enjoy the view, we recommend the "Riverside Restaurant".

This is the only picture of the food, but there are actually a lot of dishes on the menu. It's my fault, I was too hungry... I only managed to take one picture. As for the picture after eating, I guess there's no need for that, because the plate is clean. 555+ (Let me just say that I didn't take pictures of each dish individually. I just took one picture from different angles, and that's it. You'll have to try the rest for yourself.)

After eating, I'm full... When I'm full, I'm sleepy, right? What are you waiting for? My eyelids are working fast, drooping very quickly, and then I finally fall asleep zZZ

Woke up early the next day… After breakfast, I rushed to the boat.

This is an activity called Organic Farming Way of Life (I know, teenagers like us might not be interested... but there will definitely be highlights, wait for us to write it first) If you like to see rice fields, walk in the garden, try picking vegetables to cook your own food, try it.

There will be a boatman to take us across the river to the garden where we will pick vegetables together. : ) But if you want to paddle yourself, feel free to try. At first, it looks fast, but when you paddle yourself, it slows down immediately. 555+

This is really fresh. Freshly picked from the hole. The eggs taste really sweet and fragrant (This is the first time I've eaten them this fresh, picking them myself for the first time in my life).

Please translate:

I just walked past it. It's cute. They keep it as a pet, not for eating. 555+ It's better to eat things that we can make ourselves, right? Or if you want to add meat, you can ask them first, in case they have some (but we don't eat it, we just use what we have in the garden).

We choose to make simple dishes like eggs and stir-fried vegetables. But if anyone wants to make something else, just let them know so we can go pick the right ingredients together!

**Some people may wonder why we have to go cook simple food. Can't we just cook at home? For us, it's not about learning to cook... it's about learning how to live. How do people who live a self-sufficient life live? They have small fruit orchards, grow vegetables, raise ducks, raise chickens. It's a way of life that my father taught me... a simple life that is happy, based on self-sufficiency. : )**

It was actually fun... It was the first time in my life that I did everything from picking vegetables, washing them, and cooking. It gave me a different kind of feeling. If you have a partner, try taking them once. Practice in case you get married and can use it. 555+

Anyone interested can try it out. It's a new way to travel and add some color to your life.

For this activity, "Eating rice and watching the fields" (organic farming) "at Sukjai Organic Farm will be held every Saturday - Sunday at 10.00 am (minimum 2 people).

Special price for Thai people and foreigners residing in Thailand (expats) Adults 700 Children 500 Foreign tourists 1,350 baht

Book at: http://bit.ly/2eJ4WEL

For more information, please call: 034 - 322 588 - 93 (Activity Reservation Department)

After completing the first activity, if you are not tired yet, there is another interesting part here, which is the cultural way of life. This is the part that will allow you to experience and participate in 12 Thai activities every day at the Thai Village.

There are many activities to choose from, including boxing, fencing, garland making, carving, dancing, painting, clay sculpting, Thai games, rice harvesting, etc. You can choose to do any activity you want, learn anything you want, play anything you want, and there is no extra charge (except for buying an umbrella to paint).

This is a great source of knowledge. They explain how to use locally grown ingredients to make medicine.

Isn't it beautiful??? Don't be surprised, it's my handiwork... My handiwork (I mean... the person who taught me). I borrowed this one. If you want me to do something like this, I'll probably run out of time for the whole day today.

Did you see the picture I showed? It's on the tray. It's amazing, it's her work again. I'll just watch, but it's interesting. It doesn't look that difficult to do. : ) But I'm not really an art person, so I'll skip it. I can't even draw a picture. 555+

They will have local and handmade items for sale, which I hear are quite interesting. However, when we went, it was raining, so we didn't have the chance to walk around. If anyone gets to go, be sure to check it out! : )

This time, it was a learning experience. It was my first trip where I felt like I learned a lot. 555+ Usually I go to relax... You have to try it yourself to know.

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 Friday, June 14, 2024 1:34 PM
