Review of Doi Pha Ngoam, Doi Langka Luang, Doi Langka Noi 4 days 3 nights with a 30 kilometer walk

Personally, my friends and I have always been passionate about trekking. Most of the places we visit are not well-known to tourists. Because every place we go, the beauty and unseen of the place often comes at the cost of fatigue and sweat, but what we experience is beyond words or pictures if we don't see it with our own eyes.

Today, I would like to share my and my friends' travel experiences as a guide for those who love nature and trekking like us.

First of all, I must say that our travel trips are monthly, and each trip usually lasts no less than 5 days. This is because we want to capture beautiful images at all times and rare wildlife specific to each location. For this trip, initially, everyone told us that traveling during the rainy season wouldn't be beautiful, and we would get tired and slip easily. But that's exactly what inspired us to go on this trip. We talked about wanting to capture landscape photos during the rainy season, so we started researching where to go. I saw the height of the mountains in Thailand. At first, I didn't think much of it because the names were all the same, but when I saw "Doi Langka Luang," I was immediately hooked. I told my friends that we were going there, so we started looking for the contact number of the park officials and informed them of our desire to hike up Doi Langka Luang. The official responded quickly, saying that it was very dangerous and that many people who went up there came down with jungle fever. The path was both slippery and steep (my heart sank at that moment, haha). But I replied to the official, "Don't worry, sir, I've been hiking for a while now, and I can survive." He then said that we had to wait for his supervisor's permission. After 3 days, the official contacted us again and said that the supervisor had approved our request. We then informed them that we needed one porter and one guide. So we set off in our trusty car. Doi Langka Luang is under the responsibility of Khun Jae National Park. For this trip, we went for 5 days, from June 30th to July 4th. We started our journey around 5 am and drove leisurely for about 752 kilometers, which took us 9 hours. We arrived at the national park around 4 pm. After greeting the park officials, they took us to our accommodation. We spent the night at the park headquarters.

After we had stored our luggage, we drove to the hot springs, which were not far from the park.
There are many restaurants to choose from at the hot springs, which is very convenient. There is also a 7-Eleven.

After lunch, we returned to our accommodation to prepare for the next day's adventure.

Let's take a picture with the sign. Now we are taking a park pickup truck to send us to the starting point, which is the radar station.

Ready to go, the sign says 17 kilometers, easy
After that, just walk, only walk 555

This is a forest that you will never get tired of walking in, as there are beautiful views to be seen all along the way.

Tonight we will sleep our first night at the foot of Pha Ngoam cliff. We couldn't set up our tents because of the strong wind.

After that, we cooked and ate whatever we could find. 555 We made 2 kg of sun-dried pork to eat, and Rosa's instant food was convenient. We managed to survive.

We slept soundly due to the fatigue from walking about 7 kilometers today. The next day, we will ascend to Doi Pha Ngoam, which is a passage to Doi Langka Luang. Today, we will walk a long distance, about 12 kilometers, according to the porter. After completing our personal tasks, we continued our journey at eight in the morning.

The climb to Doi Pha Ngoam is very steep, living up to its name.

Along the way, there are thousand-year-old roses to see all the way.

After that, we walked for a long time, my friends.

The view along the way here is so beautiful. Walking doesn't feel tiring, but my heart is beating like a 3-step dance. 555

We walked and took pictures along the way until around 4 pm when we reached the campsite. At first, the porter told us to pitch our tent at the foot of the mountain and then walk up to see the view at Doi Langka Luang, but because we were stubborn and wanted to take a picture of the view with the tent, we told the porter that we would pitch our tent on top. He was kind, but he told us that it was very windy up there because it was high. So we said it was okay, we would secure the tent pegs and put rocks on top. So we got this view.

On the second night, we camped on Doi Langka Luang. The cool breeze and fresh air, along with our cold-weather gear, made for a truly relaxing experience. I thought to myself, "This is Thailand?" Why doesn't everyone talk about how beautiful it is here?" We put our things away in the tent and then went out to take pictures from different angles.

The fog is constantly floating around me.

The sound of the shutter clicked continuously.

We took photos with great enthusiasm because the atmosphere and light were perfect. The weather here is cold all year round. After taking photos for a while, the sky started to get dark. Cooking started again. This meal was simple as usual, just cooked rice.

Warming up the Rosa is very easy. Just boil some water and drop the food pouch in. That's all it takes to survive another meal. After we were full, it was time to rest. Tonight was the night we slept with fear 555 because the wind was so strong. Our tent leaned over until it almost fell over. The flapping sound was loud, but we managed to fall asleep, probably because of the exhaustion from our journey today.

This morning we woke up to a sea of fog covering our faces. We thought to ourselves, this is definitely heaven. We took some pictures of the scenery for a while and then prepared to continue our journey to Doi Langka Noi. On the third day of our trip, we will walk a distance of 9 kilometers to reach our destination, Doi Langka Noi.

Passing through some parts of the rainforest

Just walking again, no need to mention the steepness. It's really tiring, but what awaits us ahead is even greater.

Halfway through the walk, we almost got lost in the forest because the cogongrass was so tall it covered our heads. We also stopped to take pictures. What should we do now? Let's stop here for a while and shout. Luckily, the porters heard us and shouted back. We followed the sound and around 3 pm we arrived at the resting point for the third night. Tonight we will sleep at the foot of Doi Langka Noi because the wind is very strong and it is raining again.

We didn't take many photos at Doi Langka Noi because it was raining and we were very tired. We fell asleep right away. We slept comfortably tonight with no wind. We started day 4 with hot coffee. Today we had to walk down. The distance we walked up was very far, it took us more than 3 days to reach Doi Langka Noi. But the way down only took 3 hours. Why? The guide took us down a shortcut through the cliffs. Now we have to give all our belongings to the porters to carry because the path is narrow. We are not confident. The porter said he would carry it for us, so we are a little more comfortable.

Let's not even talk about the height. I myself am very afraid of heights. My stomach was churning at that moment. I thought to myself, "What am I doing here?" I don't have any pictures because it was hard enough to keep myself alive. I was relieved to get through that part. I thought it would be easy from there, but then it started raining really hard. We were all soaked and freezing. We walked down until we reached the village. At this point, the park rangers would pick us up in their car. The first thing we saw was a convenience store. It was like heaven. I wanted a cold Pepsi to refresh myself. I wanted a fresh coffee. I wanted to go everywhere, haha.

After the park rangers picked us up and brought us back to the park, we took a refreshing shower, as we hadn't showered for 4 days straight. Afterwards, we said goodbye to the lovely park rangers. We traveled to Chiang Mai city to rest before returning to Bangkok, and we returned to Bangkok safely with unforgettable memories.
Preparation before going
-There is water from the stream on top, prepare only for the first day's walk.
-You can do your business anywhere, no one will mind.
-You should spend at least 4 days and 3 nights.
-The porters will only carry 20 kg of luggage.
-It is quite cold on top, so you should prepare your clothes well.
***Finally, this is my first review, it may not be very good, but I will improve and develop it, and I will come back to review tourist attractions that Thai people don't know much about. Please follow our Facebook page There are many more beautiful pictures.***

Really beautiful><
