Part 2: Let's go up the mountain!

Here we are! After our previous episode exploring the heart of Chiang Rai and discovering its charming cafes, we're venturing outside the city for a change of scenery.

For those who haven't read the first part, you can follow this link:

This time, it's all about nature. We went to the mountains to enjoy the cool air, the smell of trees and grass, and the rain that came every day. This sometimes caused our plans to go awry, but it was all worth it. The most important thing is that the fog was so thick! Sometimes it was a bit too much, but it also created a beautiful atmosphere. The best part is that we could take pictures from any angle we wanted without having to compete with anyone. As usual, you can see the descriptions of each place in the pictures, just like in Part 1. So, let's dive into the pictures one by one! Yay!

Here's a rough outline of our 10-day itinerary:

Day 1: Bangkok - Lampang

Day 2: Lampang – Chiang Rai

Day 3: Exploring Chiang Rai City

Day 4: Phu Chi Fa

Day 5: Doi Pha Tang

Day 6: Doi Ang Khang

Day 7: Mae Klang Luang, Chiang Mai

Day 8: Exploring Chiang Mai City

Day 9: Noon in Chiang Mai city center

Day 10: Return to Bangkok

Our initial plan was to visit Pai and Mae Hong Son, with an overnight stay at Pang Ung, during days 4-6 of our trip. However, due to flooding, we had to change our plans and visit Phu Chi Fa and Doi Pha Tang instead (although we were very disappointed, they were equally beautiful!).

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Due to the large number of images, we will divide them into 3 parts.

Part 1: Lampang - Chiang Rai City

Episode 2: Scaling the Heights - Phu Chi Fa, Doi Pha Tang, Ang Khang, and Mae Klang Luang

Part 3: In Chiang Mai City

Let's embark on an adventure to discover the hidden treasures of northern Thailand during the rainy season. Prepare to be amazed by the region's captivating beauty, which unfolds in a unique way during this time. The lush landscapes, cascading waterfalls, and vibrant culture will leave you in awe. Embrace the charm of the rainy season and witness the magic of the north.

You can follow us on Facebook.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Scene opens in Episode 2 amidst a vast expanse of verdant rice paddies. Let's dive right in!

Our first stop outside the city was Phu Chi Fa.

Our initial plan was to visit Pai and Pang Ung, but a few days before our trip, there was severe flooding. As a result, we decided to go to Phu Chi Fa instead. We left Chiang Rai around 1 pm and arrived at our destination around 4 pm. The distance wasn't too far, but the road was steep and winding, making each turn an exciting experience. If you're the driver, I can assure you it's a lot of fun. However, this wasn't the most challenging route on our trip; Ang Khang was even steeper. If you're prone to motion sickness, I highly recommend having medication on hand. You'll almost certainly experience nausea. Motion sickness medication is essentially a sleeping pill; take it, and you'll sleep through the journey. You'll wake up when you arrive at your destination. Fortunately, I'm not susceptible to motion sickness, so I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. We took pictures as we drove, and before we knew it, we were at Phu Chi Fa.

Man Fah Hill: Our accommodation on Phu Chi Fa. Today, we booked a whole house and slept together, 6 people in total. We were the only group staying at the resort, or rather, the only group staying at any resort in the area. No one is traveling during this time (rainy season, haha). It felt like Phu Chi Fa was ours, giving us a sense of privacy. Oh, I forgot to mention that the room rate here includes two meals, breakfast and dinner. If we had to go out to find food ourselves, it would be quite inconvenient. But the food is delicious, I wish I could take some home.

The surrounding area of the accommodation offers a variety of options. In fact, we might not even need to make a reservation. Haha.

It is advisable to book in advance so that the accommodation can clean and prepare the room for you.

The common area here looks clean and has plenty of seating options. On the right side of the picture, where there is a green railing, we went to take a wide-angle view of the scenery. It was open, airy, and offered a comfortable view of the surroundings.

We appreciate the color scheme of the accommodation, which complements the ambiance of the location.

Tonight's accommodation, but we stayed in the room below, so we wouldn't be tired from walking, and the view wasn't much different. In the end, we sat on the balcony of the accommodation, which was a common area, with a wide view with nothing to obstruct it.

Next, we headed to the dining area, an essential part of any trip. After all, an army marches on its stomach.

The view from the dining area, the fog is starting to come in, it's so beautiful.

This scenic spot, where destinies intertwine, is perfect for photography. The constant breeze from this direction feels like a fan blowing, even making you feel a bit chilly.

Another photo with a partner in destiny. This angle is perfect for a sweet moment, enjoying the view and feeling all the mushy vibes.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Let's explore the surroundings of our accommodation. It's full of cute and adorable flowers.

The natural beauty is simply breathtaking. Just a short walk from our accommodation, we were greeted by a profusion of wildflowers and a multitude of butterflies. We couldn't resist capturing the moment with our cameras.

The beauty of nature, besides butterflies, there are many other good things.

The beauty of nature, captured in every shot.

Phu Chi Fa

After packing our belongings, we set off for Phu Chi Fa, following the advice of the guesthouse owner who suggested we catch the sunset there. We couldn't resist and hopped into the car, eager to witness the breathtaking view. The road leading up to the peak was scenic and natural, although it could get crowded with vehicles during peak season, so cautious driving was essential. The hike itself was relatively easy, allowing us to take photos as we ascended. Those with good stamina could even run up, but we opted for a leisurely pace, savoring the natural beauty along the way.

The view from the parking lot is stunning. Let's climb to the top! Let's go!

We have reached the top. The fog is so thick that I can't see anything. It's also very windy, and the fog is swirling around in the wind.

The thick fog creates a captivating atmosphere, reminiscent of a cinematic scene.

The most popular viewpoint for taking photos, but our version is with fog. We were happy to see even this much. We were planning to take photos of the sunrise from here tomorrow, but it turned out that it was raining, so we couldn't.

The fog may be thick at times, but strong winds can blow it away, revealing the view below. However, patience is required as this may take some time.

The fog is so thick that you can't see anything below.

Misty version of Phu Chi Fa

Let's take a group photo, including the fog but not the people.

The sun is finally out! But unfortunately, it came out just as I was about to leave.

The fog comes and goes in waves, so I take photos when it clears.

After checking the time and struggling against the strong fog and wind, we decided to descend.

Scenic views on Phu Chi Fa during the descent.

While descending, we encountered breathtaking views on Phu Chi Fa. Although the sky remained overcast at the summit, the stunning scenery along the way brought us joy.


After arriving downstairs, we took a few photos in the parking lot, enjoying the breathtaking view to our heart's content before heading down.

The view from the parking lot is amazing, much better in person.

After a strenuous hike up Phu Chi Fa, we decided to replenish our energy with a hearty dinner. This feast was enough for three people.

We planned to wake up early to watch the sunrise, but it started raining at 5 am. We decided to stay under the covers and wake up to the view after the rain instead. It was a great decision. I would love to have a house surrounded by mountains.

Awakened by the pangs of hunger, I stealthily followed the enticing aroma to the kitchen, where I found my owner preparing a delectable stir-fried rice dish for me.

Let's move on to breakfast, which is delicious and smells wonderful from the kitchen.

The translation of the sentence is:

There is a lot of fried rice. I want to take it home because I can't finish it. I'm sorry.

After finishing our meal and packing our belongings, we set off for our next destination: Doi Pha Tang. Located just 20 kilometers from Phu Chi Fa, Doi Pha Tang boasts a challenging ascent.


Along the way, we stopped whenever we encountered a scenic spot, capturing the beauty without rushing. The journey itself was rewarding, even before reaching Doi Pha Tang.

The Breathtaking View Before Reaching Doi Pha Tang

The scenic drive to Doi Pha Tang is worth the journey even before reaching the summit. Located near Phu Chi Fa, this hidden gem offers stunning vistas that will leave you breathless. While the winding roads may test your patience with their twists and turns, the reward is well worth the occasional white-knuckle grip. So, if you have the time, consider adding Doi Pha Tang to your itinerary. You won't regret it.


Pha Tang Hill: After driving for a while, we finally arrived at Doi Pha Tang. We were the only group there again. Today, we will be sleeping here. The accommodation is surrounded by mountains, and as soon as you open the door, you are greeted with a panoramic view. The owner of the accommodation was kind enough to let us sleep in two large rooms next to each other. We were supposed to sleep in another room that was a short walk away, but since there were no other guests, they gave us the adjoining rooms. Thank you so much! We asked the owner of the accommodation before we came if it was cold. He said, "It's not cold, just a little chilly, so a blanket will be comfortable." But in reality, it was very cold! If you come during the rainy season like us, be sure to bring warm clothes. It's really cold. I wanted to stay under the covers all the time.

The room has a balcony, but if you want a larger balcony, I recommend the middle room, which has a balcony where you can run around.

A picturesque spot to unwind: the spacious balcony outside your room. Perfect for enjoying a relaxing beer with a view.

Please give the model some space.

Doi Pha Tang: After we had packed our belongings, the owner of the accommodation, as usual, suggested that we could go up to see the view of Pha Tang Cliff first if we arrived early. So we rushed to explore Doi Pha Tang. At first, we thought that there was only a path to walk up to see the view and that was it, but we were wrong. This place is very suitable for hiking. There are many trails to walk on. However, due to the strong wind on top because of the approaching storm, and none of us were prepared for hiking, we decided that we would prepare ourselves tomorrow and conquer Doi Pha Tang then. And as usual, it rained heavily all night until morning, and it was still raining when we left. This mission was automatically folded. We will definitely come back to make amends next time.


Note: I should have believed the roti shop owner. I'm sorry, ma'am.

Park here, no one around as usual. Haha.


The car's design is impressive even when parked, but the fog is still very thick.

Stepping out of the car, we were immediately struck by the coolness of the scene. The excitement was palpable.

Let's go up and see the top. I saw the fog and the wind was very strong. The first part of the way up is all concrete steps. When you reach the Buddha statue, it will be a dirt path.


The wind is incredibly strong up here. I thought the wind at Phu Chi Fa was strong, but the wind here is much stronger. It's so strong that I feel like I'm going to be blown away. And to make matters worse, it's also very cold. I'm wearing shorts, so I'm even colder. (To be honest, I didn't really prepare to hike up here. Haha!)


Free entry, the only regret is that we didn't go all the way, but the view is amazing.


The overwhelming beauty of nature.

A pavilion for resting on top of the mountain. We walked up to Chinatown, haha. But look at the leaves flying in the wind, it's so strong. The higher you go, the stronger the wind.

Continuing on, you will encounter a large Buddha statue.

Nearby, there is a nature trail leading to Doi Pha Tang. However, none of us were prepared, so we decided to postpone our exploration.

Nature beckons you to explore Doi Pha Tang, and just the sight of it will thrill you.

Nature invites you to explore Doi Pha Tang. It's currently so cold that you'll be shivering.


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Let's stop by the tea and roti shop downstairs for a bit.

This is hot cocoa. I'm having another one. Haha. It's cold upstairs, so let's come down and have something hot.


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The highlight is here: Pulled tea. We ordered it cold (I thought you said it was cold, but you ordered it cold. Hmm.)

The roti is also excellent, and here they use coconut oil. It comes in a large portion.

Hunger pangs strike again! Just a short walk and I'm famished once more.

We stopped to take a picture with a dog on the way. We named it "Ueng," after Pang Ung, because we didn't get to stay there but came here instead. It's cute, isn't it? Ueng, ueng.

Baan Din Restaurant: After having roti, we came to this restaurant on Doi Pha Tang for lunch. We ordered pork leg, mantou, and mixed mushroom stir-fry. The restaurant has a beautiful view, and there are also cute dogs!

The restaurant boasts a relaxed, homey atmosphere with stunning views, making it the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the scenery.


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Stunning view from the balcony seat. It's simply breathtaking.

Feeling hungry? Let's eat! When you come here, you have to try the stewed pork leg. I saw signs for stewed pork leg everywhere I drove past, as if I was hypnotized. I had to order it!

The free hot tea comes in a beautiful cup. It only takes a moment to pour, but the tea cools down quickly. The weather is a bit chilly today. I wonder how cold it will be in the winter.

Civet Coffee Shop: After finishing our meal, we naturally had to stop by a coffee shop as usual. There was a civet coffee shop on this floor. Initially, I was curious and wanted to try it, but the price was too much for me. It was 300 baht per cup. Oh, I'll just have regular coffee. We're on a budget, after all.

Local atmosphere

Stylish and extraordinary, this coffee machine is truly one of a kind.

The atmosphere in the shop right now is that it's raining heavily.

Iced Americano with a side of hot tea, as always.


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The atmosphere in the restaurant.


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And then the inevitable happened... rain that fell all day and all night.


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I had planned to hike Doi Pha Tang again in the morning, but I didn't get to go. But that's okay, I'll come back again next time!

Leaving Doi Pha Tang, we head to our next destination, Doi Ang Khang.

On the way, as always, feel free to stop wherever you like.

The rain kept falling. Today was a journey in itself, with ups and downs, hills and mountains. The driver was tired, but we were happy taking pictures. Haha!

Doi Ang Khang

This is the translation of the Thai phrase "ดอยอ่างขาง" into English.

It refers to a mountain in northern Thailand, known for its stunning scenery, diverse flora and fauna, and agricultural research station.

Land of Wonders

By the time we reached Ang Khang, it was almost dark. It felt like we had driven up and down ten mountains. The road leading up to Ang Khang was incredibly steep, the steepest of the entire trip, and had the most hairpin turns. Drivers should be cautious. After the thrilling drive, we were ravenously hungry, but it was still raining. We stayed at the Royal Project Ang Khang, which has many farms and agricultural products. The best thing about this place is the food. The fresh vegetables, fish, and pork were all delicious. The sai oua (northern Thai sausage) was also excellent and very crispy. I highly recommend trying it. In my opinion, Ang Khang is a great place to visit any time of year. A two-night, three-day trip is ideal. Allow yourself to slow down and enjoy the natural surroundings without rushing.


Upon arrival, check in here. It's highly recommended to book well in advance, especially during the winter season, as this place fills up quickly.

The check-in area's ambiance made me smile uncontrollably.

The rain continued to fall for a long time.


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Stop by to buy souvenirs and send postcards.

Hungry again. Let's eat.

Room key, yes, Ang Khang, the land of wonders ^^

The dining area is already crowded during the rainy season. I wonder how crowded it will be during the winter.

The dining area is surrounded by greenery, as usual.

Dining area atmosphere


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Dining area atmosphere

The dining area was bustling with a large number of hotel guests.

The food has arrived! I ordered a lot again, as usual. I'm so hungry.

Exquisite salad with fresh vegetables, a delightful treat for every meal. Highly recommended at Doi Ang Khang, with affordable prices.

The sai oua here differs from others in that it is grilled until the skin is very crispy.


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Stir-fried mixed vegetables

Some fish

Rich, hot cocoa is here. Drink it before bed for a good night's sleep.

Another highlight of our trip was the accommodation, which was arguably the best we experienced. It was also very affordable, making us wish we could have stayed for ten nights.


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The houses are detached.

The house is surrounded by trees, providing privacy.


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There's a cow up here. Just kidding, haha. It's a dog with cow markings.

Tea Plantation: This morning, we have a tour of the project. Let's stop by the tea plantation first. The sun is out after a long absence, and we're happy to see it. The tea plantation here is nestled in a valley, with tea trees planted in beautiful terraces down the slopes.

The Splendid Tea Plantation and Breathtaking Sunrise at Ang Khang

This passage describes the beauty of a tea plantation and the opportunity to witness a stunning sunrise at Ang Khang. While the writer expresses their desire to experience the sunrise, they humorously acknowledge that no one in their group was willing to wake up early enough to see it.

Behold the verdant expanse of the tea plantation.

I love this angle, please take another one.

No matter how I take the picture, it doesn't look as beautiful as the real thing.

The surrounding atmosphere


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Newly planted, some areas are still just soil, separated by teak leaves, completely natural.

Flowers by the fence

Let's plant strawberries while we take pictures.

"Hearing your voice in the group saying 'It's so lucky to be born here' would probably bring tears to our eyes right now."

The group took a photo before returning to eat. They were very hungry. (What is the person on the left doing?)

We had breakfast at the Royal Project as usual. We were so hungry that we didn't have time to take pictures.

Let's have some iced cocoa. It's not cold anymore… Really?

There are also seats outside.

After finishing our meal, we returned to the hotel to shower and pack our belongings before heading to our next destination, as usual. We made a quick stop at a souvenir shop along the way.

There is also a greenhouse for growing roses.

Next to it is a flower house.

Interior atmosphere

Lovely flowers.

After admiring the flowers, it's time to spend some money. Let's stop by to buy some souvenirs.


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Let's go to this shop. Let's buy macadamia and strawberries to take home. During this period, there won't be many shops open, and there won't be much stock available.

The place is full of things.

The chocolate-flavored almond milk releases a fragrant aroma as soon as the bag is opened.

Run! Run! Run!

I encountered a horse running freely. It was quite a surprise to see it roaming around so freely.

After purchasing souvenirs, we will continue our journey to Baan Mae Klang Luang. Let's descend the mountain together. Today's journey has been as challenging as ever.

Next station ... Mae Klang Luang ...

Before reaching Mae Klang Luang village, we passed through Chiang Mai city. We stopped for a quick coffee break (more details in Part 3).

Ristr8to: A popular cafe in Chiang Mai offering a wide variety of unique coffee options. While the menu boasts many intriguing choices, today we opted for a classic brew. We plan to return and explore the more adventurous offerings in the future.

The barista has to wait for the big boss to arrive. It's going to be amazing!

Glass 1

Glass 2

You can order roti from the shop next door and eat it here.

Golden crispy roti with tissue-thin dough, truly.

After enjoying coffee and roti, we continued our journey. It is recommended to take the bypass road to avoid numerous traffic lights and heavy congestion.


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The sky is beautiful. Does anyone else like to take pictures of beautiful skies like us?

Maeklang Luang: Arriving in the Dark with Rain

The journey to Maeklang Luang was completed just as darkness fell, accompanied by a light drizzle. The road conditions were excellent, but the darkness and increasingly heavy rain made driving difficult. We had to proceed cautiously. The sign indicating the entrance to Maeklang Luang is quite small, so it requires careful observation.


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We slept in a house in the middle of the rice field. This one has the best view of the 14. Before coming here, we stopped by 7-Eleven to stock up on food.

Enjoying a late-night meal of stir-fried vegetables and garlic-fried red snapper with instant noodles. The cool evening air makes it perfect for relaxing by the river.

The sun has risen.

Beautiful light

The beautiful light allows us to see the rice terraces clearly. Hooray!

The stunning light and beautiful view, along with the perfect lighting, inspired a flurry of photo-taking.


The beautiful light, with mist and dew, is so romantic.

The lush green rice fields are meticulously maintained by workers who regularly mow the grass, ensuring a tidy and well-kept appearance.

Let's walk to the other side.

Equally beautiful.

The rice fields are very green.

The butterflies have arrived.

After taking photos, we had lunch together.

This morning, I had garlic pork with fried eggs. I ordered something simple and filling to keep my stomach happy.


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Simple yet satisfying fried egg with rice.

Let's stop by a coffee shop before entering Chiang Mai city center.

The coffee shop was closed when I arrived. Haha. I took a sneaky photo of the grandma weaving instead. So cute.


The pleasant weather on the mountain makes for a good night's sleep. See you again in Part 3, where we'll explore the city of Chiang Mai!
