The Great Waterfall Curtain 'Tad Loei Nga' | Lost in the Mist

into the untamed wilderness


I once spent a night sleeping under the stars at the foot of the Kub Krab cliffs. This time, I'm seeking a similar experience, but with the added thrill and grandeur of a cascading waterfall serving as the backdrop to our campsite.

Tad Ley Hanga Waterfall: A Hidden Gem in Loei

Tad Ley Hanga Waterfall, nestled within the Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary, is the largest waterfall in Loei Province. This unseen destination has long been a dream of mine, and finally visiting it was an unforgettable experience. The waterfall's beauty and grandeur are undeniable, offering a spectacle comparable to those found in southern Laos. Thailand's natural wonders never cease to amaze, and Tad Ley Hanga is a testament to the country's breathtaking landscapes.

This is another heart-stopping location, requiring immense courage and determination. No slipping, falling, or mistakes are allowed, as the chances of getting back up are almost impossible. Remember the mantra: #NoFear #NoShaking #NoLookingBack. This is the incantation to calm your mind. The peak is the 'Karon Cliff', leading to a resting point under the waterfall. This is the most crucial short walk of the trip… It's time to embark on our journey! If you're ready for the thrill, grab your backpack and hold on tight to the cliff face. Let's go!

# Expenses for this trip

  • Guide fees: 2 guides + transportation = 3500 baht / 10 people (excluding travel expenses, fuel, and food, which are at the discretion of each group. In my group, the total cost per person was around 1500 baht, including everything).


The trail is 6 kilometers one way, with steep and slippery sections due to the waterfall, and very narrow sections along the cliff face. The hike takes 4-5 hours.

Contact the officer to book a trip: 0895742295 Mr. Nares

Our journey today begins at the **Phu Luang viewpoint in Loei Province**. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a sea of mist. What a stroke of luck! Usually, my luck with mist is not so good, especially on Sundays. I always think, "It's Sunday, people are still sleeping in, can't the mist stay home too?" Every time I go somewhere hoping to see the mist on a Sunday, I end up disappointed. But today, being a Saturday, we were lucky to have the mist waiting to welcome us. The faces of each member of the group were beaming with joy.

Upon arrival, we will park our car at Phu Luang. Afterwards, we will take a leisurely stroll to enjoy the scenic views while waiting for the official vehicle to take us to the foot of the mountain.

From this viewpoint on Phu Luang, you can see a white spot in the distance. That is Tad Loei Nga Waterfall, our destination. It may seem far away, but don't be discouraged! I assure you that the hike will be worth the sweat when you reach the waterfall.

While waiting, many tourists will stop by to enjoy the view and take pictures. This is a group of people who have come in a cool car.

I'd be glad to translate the sentence:

"I'm someone who frequently goes hiking whenever I have the chance. No, actually… I should say that I constantly seek out opportunities to go hiking."

Many trips are physically demanding, and my fellow travelers often joke that they are "good for the heart but bad for the knees." 55555+ Sometimes, even after the trip is over, people are still feeling the effects and are bedridden for three days. Look at this, look at this!

This time, I have done my homework well and prepared to help take care of the trip participants' physical fitness with #essential trip medication, such as #Unirenspray, which will help relieve muscle, tendon, and joint pain. If you have leg or knee pain, you can spray it. It's very easy. Just spray it to help relieve the symptoms. My trip participants will have no excuse to take leave after the trip. 55555+

Given the rainy season, you can imagine the state of things here. Just a glance will tell you that it's a muddy mess. Is there anywhere else that's worse? 55555+

The journey was incredibly arduous. Upon arrival, we encountered vehicles stuck in the mud, and bystanders were assisting in their extraction.

Due to the extreme conditions, we were forced to abandon our vehicle and continue our journey on foot to the foot of the mountain, as the terrain was impassable for our four-wheeled vehicle.

With the team assembled, it was time to embark on the challenging trek. The muddy terrain demanded considerable leg strength. To alleviate the discomfort, the group used a special item, Uni-Ren spray, to provide relief and ensure they could continue their long journey.

Compact and portable, this small bottle is incredibly convenient to carry, making it ideal for use during wilderness adventures. This is a must-have tip for any adventurer.

The journey was an exhilarating rollercoaster of experiences. We navigated through muddy waters, ascended steep inclines, and encountered a diverse range of terrains, leaving us soaked and exhilarated. It was an adventure that encompassed every imaginable element.

This person looked down, searching for a way out, confused, wondering how to step out and where the hole leads. 5555+

This anecdote about my younger brother serves as a reminder that physical appearance is not everything. With determination and courage, one can achieve anything. Despite his physique, he has accompanied me on numerous hiking trips. Surprisingly, despite the extensive walking, his weight seems unchanged. Perhaps he is simply exhausted and will indulge in a large meal to replenish his lost energy.

One of the most important things that the officials advised us about was the presence of #wild elephants. Sometimes, elephants may wander around unexpectedly. In such situations, it is crucial to remain calm and avoid startling the elephants, as they may be equally startled by our presence.

In the event of an elephant encounter, it is crucial to remain calm and follow the instructions provided by park rangers. If you sense an elephant approaching, carefully remove your backpack and leave it behind. Immediately seek the nearest and safest shelter available. Remember to prioritize your safety and leave your belongings behind. Run swiftly to a secure location without any burdens.

My brother, eager to put his newfound knowledge into practice, was extra cautious on his way up. As he ascended, a small dog followed him. Unfortunately, someone accidentally stepped on the dog's tail, causing it to yelp. My mischievous brother, mistaking the yelp for an elephant's roar, instinctively dropped his bag and prepared to flee without looking.

Here is my brother, who is always ready to run away if the elephant comes. I guess he's been tensing his legs, getting ready to run until his legs hurt. Well, whenever he's in pain, he just takes it out and sprays it. Everyone's in pain, and everyone's calling for Uni-Ren spray. Hahahaha!

Always bring it with you on every trip.

This is the puppy that my brother thought was an elephant. How big can it be? 5555+

After a long walk, we finally arrived at Tad Loei Ha waterfall.

The grandeur and beauty of this place truly lives up to its reputation. You don't have to travel far to find such stunning scenery; our country has plenty to offer. Most importantly, the waterfall's power is incredible, with refreshing mist spraying in all directions. It's a truly invigorating experience.

Upon arrival, the staff will allow us to play in the water and take photos to our heart's content. This is the designated swimming area at the bottom of the waterfall, before we are taken to the highlight of the trip: the area behind the majestic Tad Loei Nga waterfall. There is a small cliff behind it, and under the rock crevices, we can rest our bodies and minds.

The image shows the authentic watermark, which appears as water droplets on the camera lens due to the heavy spray from the waterfall.

The highlight of the trip was a thrilling walk along a narrow cliff face to a hidden alcove behind a waterfall, where we would spend the night. The short, 2-3 meter stretch was exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

If you thought you've experienced thrills before, try this... try coming here again. It will give you an indescribable feeling of excitement. 5555+

The sentence is already in English and does not require translation.

The journey was thrilling, to say the least. 5555+ However, the other members of my trip were hesitant to walk all the way with their bags.

And here we are, standing under the magnificent waterfall. The sight is truly breathtaking.

The exhaustion from the arduous journey, coupled with the exhilarating thrill of the path, intensified our emotions, amplifying our joy and appreciation for the surrounding nature.

Every corner is beautiful and lush. After passing the thrilling point, we reached the climax. This is how it is.

The joy of witnessing such a sight firsthand and the contentment derived from the view are priceless experiences that money cannot buy. Only by opening one's heart to the moment can one truly appreciate such beauty.

Next, let's take a look at the living conditions. If you remember the feeling of #Pha Hin Goob, imagine that we will be eating and sleeping in the same way. We will sleep simply on canvas with a magnificent view.

Climbing up here, there will also be a Buddha statue under this cliff. As for my group, we will be sleeping right here.

Let's move on to the bathroom. This is a truly outdoor bathroom with a natural shower.

Bathing here is much more refreshing than bathing in a bathroom. I feel that the water from the waterfall has a certain energy that stimulates our feel-good hormones.

After bathing, we sat and enjoyed the view under the waterfall.

As night fell, our kitchen was conjured up under this crevice. It was a simple and delicious dinner, cooked together before we went to bed to gather strength for our return journey tomorrow.

On the second morning, the officers will take us to the headwaters upstream. This is another spot that I must say is incredibly beautiful.

The cascading waterfall and the breathtaking panoramic view create an unparalleled sense of awe and wonder.

After we have enjoyed the atmosphere, we will go downstairs to prepare to go home.

It's time to head back. The thrill awaits us, with the same path we took in, skirting the cliff face for 2-3 meters before continuing on the remaining route.

It's time to say goodbye to the #Tad Loei Nga Waterfall Grand Curtain, the most impressive unseen destination of the year. Amidst the beauty, danger lurks, reminding us to be mindful and cautious with every step we take. I believe this is crucial not only for hiking but also for our daily lives.

I understand that coming here may seem risky to some. However, I encourage everyone to keep an open mind and see it as **an alternative path**. Life is not always smooth and straightforward. Sometimes, we encounter unavoidable risks. The key is to confront them and overcome them.

Looking back, we may realize that what once seemed daunting and risky was ultimately a triumph over our fears. Overcoming such challenges instills a profound sense of pride, a testament to our resilience and courage.

Thank you to everyone who has read and followed along to this point. We will embark on our next journey together in the next trip. See you again! (:
