Let's pamper ourselves!

Our solo adventure, wherever it may be, is a way to recharge our batteries, open ourselves to new experiences, and do things we've never done before. It's a chance to learn about the real way of life of the people in the places we visit, and we always end up making new friends.

We believe that everyone has something they want to achieve, no matter what it is.

Our mission in 2017 was to ride the AMTRAK train. Huh! …… Yes! You read that right. And we successfully completed our mission.

And so, our Marathon Journey began.

We chose to travel on the Empire Builder train, departing from CHICAGO and arriving in SEATTLE, a total journey of 3 days! My goodness!

We passed through the city lights, golden meadows, herds of buffalo and cows, falling snow, and freezing temperatures. Every feeling imaginable.

We're just giving you a sneak peek for now. Are you ready to follow us and see the way of life on the train? Stay tuned for the full review on our page http://www.facebook.com/seasonjourney.


Let's get to know each other better.

If you have a mission in your heart, go out and make it happen. It will feel amazing.

Long-term goals #NNPYlife #USA #Amtrak #Train #Marathon journey

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The provided text is empty. There is nothing to translate.
