Taste of Thai Cuisine: Beloved by Foreigners, Overlooked by Locals

This restaurant, "Korrakang," serves authentic Thai cuisine that has captivated foreign palates while remaining somewhat under the radar for local diners.

"Korrakang" Restaurant

A Thai restaurant and cafe with a variety of sweet roti. The two-story restaurant features a Thai-style cafe on the first floor, serving tea, coffee, and delicious roti.


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The second floor features a spacious hall with numerous tables and artwork on the walls that reflects Thai culture.

Moving on to the savory dishes, I must say that everything was delicious. Every dish we ordered was completely devoured. Even foreigners come here to eat, so how could we, as Thais, not try it?

Food enthusiasts, whether you reside in the vicinity of Sao Chingcha or Pratu Phi, or even if you're from elsewhere, should not miss the opportunity to savor the authentic and exceptionally delicious Thai cuisine offered here.

Sharing a hidden gem... you won't be disappointed at "Korrakang" restaurant.
