What is Bang Krachao, and why is it green and shaped like a pig's stomach?

I was inspired by the show Krua Krit Chan Lak, which was hosted by P'Krit and Ray McDonald.

I think that in Bangkok, if you want to find a good, shady place to cycle, you can't go wrong with the Train Park (I'm so tired of it).

Seeing them cycling, I thought it looked like fun, so I opened Google Maps to see where it was. It looked like a pig's stomach.

And then I got the answer right away. It looks like a pig's stomach, doesn't it? !!!!!

Few people know about this Bang Krachao, the word Oasis Asia Bang Krachao.

It's a super GreenZone kind of place, like you really want to come and breathe the fresh air.

Looking at Google Maps, it really is an oasis, but not the kind that's on the sand by the sea, but rather in the middle of the city.
The surrounding area is full of white buildings, but there's one spot that's green.

Okay, let's get down to business. How do I get to Bang Krachao with my 8 baht?

Let's start from Wongwian Yai.

Then take bus number 82 on the opposite side of the Thai Railway Station, Wongwian Yai.

Waiting for a moment, bus 82 arrived.

But wait... the red line 82 bus is free! I'll just hop on and save some money. That's another expense reduced.

We'll be on this bus for a while, almost an hour from Wongwian Yai. We'll need to get off at Talat Phra Pradaeng.

After getting off at Phra Pradaeng Market, walk up to the pier. There will be an alleyway on the left. Turn into the alley and you will see a blue bus parked there.

The sign says Phra Pradaeng - Bang Kaboa.

This is the car that will take us to "Bang Kra Jao".

The fare is 8 baht. I sat for a while and the bus left right away.

The view from the Bhumibol Bridge is amazing, but unfortunately, there are no good angles to take pictures because I was in the car.

As I crossed the small bridge, known as the Saphan Lat Pho (I'm not sure if I'm calling it correctly),

Then it will enter the stomach of Phra Pradaeng.

With just 8 baht, I arrived at "Bang Kra Jao".

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The moment I crossed over, it was instantly cool. The atmosphere is beyond words, lush and shady all the way.

After about half an hour, the bus reached the end of the line. The conductor announced, "End of the line, everyone. Are we already past Bang Kobo?"

"I asked my aunt if she had been to the Bang Nam Phueng Floating Market yet. She said, 'Oh, you've come a long way, young man. Then sit back and wait. The same car will be leaving soon.'"

Easy landmark, when you see the sign "Phetcha Hings 26", get off the bus or tell the bus driver that you want to get off at Bang Nam Phueng Floating Market.

As soon as I got down, there were a lot of motorcycle taxi drivers sitting around. But I chose to walk. It shouldn't be too expensive, right?

Along the way, there will be people cycling continuously. Walk for about 6-7 minutes, you will find the entrance to Wat Talat Bang Nam Phueng. Turn in there.

Walk a little further and you will find the temple and Bang Nam Phueng market. So I walked around the temple for a bit.

As you walk through the market, you will find the Bang Nam Phueng market on your right-hand side. Stop by for a light bite to eat.

I've walked all over the market and haven't seen anything strange. It's like the food sold in any other market.

So I got some sea cockles to eat. It's a light snack for 40 baht, which helps to satisfy my hunger a bit.

However, there is no place to sit and eat in a cool environment. Most of them are restaurants (which are probably expensive).

I walked around and around until I found the Milk House. It has something, let's go see!

I found an empty space to sit and eat. There was an old-fashioned coffee shop, so I decided to have some.

And then I sat down to eat sea mussels.

The atmosphere around here is good.

Walk out a little further and you'll find the goats playing around.

Okay, let's go for a bike ride!

Alright, we've been walking around the market for a while now. How about we go for a bike ride?

Please walk out to the parking lot. There will be a bicycle rental shop there.

This price is quite expensive. I recommend bringing your own bike. The rental bikes are not in very good condition and are also expensive.

40 baht per hour 100 baht for the whole day

I chose the one-hour option, which costs 40 baht. I must say, I didn't even cover half the area. I didn't take any pictures of the route to Bang Krachao, but I'll tell you about it because I got lost, haha. Or you can ask someone. Anyway, let's say you cycle out towards the temple, then exit the way you entered the alley, and turn left. Keep going straight, and there will be an alley. Turn left again and keep driving straight. You'll eventually come to a bridge, but don't go over it. Notice that before the bridge, there's a four-way intersection. Turn right and keep driving straight. You'll see a football field, which means you're on the right track. Then you'll see a path like this.

:: || The path I will choose is to find a cool homestay that is on a tree. || ::
It is called " Bangkok Tree House "

I've been spinning for a while now, but I still can't find it.

Alright, let's go. If we don't get lost, we'll get lost.

After cycling for a while, I was delighted to see a sign.

As I was riding, I came across something that looked like a village with a pier. So I decided to stop by (It seems there are aggressive dogs, be careful! The locals are sleeping everywhere).

This path is like entering a real forest. But the path is quite narrow.

There are signs all the way, just observe carefully.

After cycling for a while, we finally found the Bangkok Tree House we were looking for.

I apologize, I brought a fixed lens which cannot capture wide angles.

| B a n g k o kT r e eH o u s e |

There is a cool place in the middle of the forest by the coast. . . in Bang Kra Jao.
I wanted to stay and have coffee, but I only had an hour to drive here, so I had to go back. Just take a picture.

So I cycled back the same way and found another beautiful route.

It was a green road, so I stopped to take some pictures before returning the car.

Expense summary

Take mine.

Starting from Wongwian Yai

I took bus number 82. It was free.

Transfer by bus Phra Pradaeng - Bang Kaboa 8 baht 2 rounds

Food cost 40 baht

Water fee 20 baht

Bicycle rental fee 40 baht

Total = 116 Baht

I will show you that money is not an excuse for travel.

Please follow our page: Not a few baht, let's travel together. I will take you on a trip for just a few baht.

Link https://www.facebook.com/maikeebaht
