Explore Narathiwat Pha Sa, the sea of fog and hundreds of islands in Hala-Bala

When it comes to traveling to the three southernmost provinces of Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat, it's understandable that safety concerns and anxieties arise due to the news we receive. However, I couldn't help but wonder if these news reports accurately reflect the reality of these places. Are they truly as dangerous as we imagine?

Reflecting on my trip to Yala last year, with Betong as my final destination, I can confidently say that my perspective on the three southernmost provinces has shifted dramatically.

Despite the ongoing conflict, life in this region continues as usual. The reality is not as frightening as our imaginations might lead us to believe. This is precisely why I decided to embark on another journey to this area, this time to the district of Sukhirin in Narathiwat province. This small district harbors unexpected unseen wonders. Who would have thought that Narathiwat could boast such magnificent sea of mist? The breathtaking beauty is not exclusive to the north. Come and experience it for yourself. Hike the challenging 2 km trail to Pha Son, one of the most stunning viewpoints in Thailand, located within the Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary. The steep ascent offers little respite, making it an arduous climb. "It's not difficult, and the distance is short, but it's incredibly tiring," I must admit.

Despite our extensive hiking experience, my friends and I found the trail to be exceptionally challenging, with a steep incline that seemed to go on forever. The 2-kilometer trek was significantly more strenuous than other 4-5 kilometer hikes we've done. However, the breathtaking view of the sea of mist upon reaching the summit made the arduous climb worthwhile.


Contact for Traveling to Pha Sa-an, Sukhirin District:

Guide: Mr. Horang (093-7250969)

Village Headman: (082-8251304)

My journey this time, before coming, I contacted the officials in advance. We arranged the date and time in advance. Since Narathiwat Province is an area that requires special security, it would be a good idea for us, as outsiders, to inform the village headman. The village headman will then coordinate with the officials, guides, and porters for us.

Upon arrival, prepare to embark on your journey.

Phasan is located in the Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, also known as the Hala-Bala Forest, a region renowned for its rich biodiversity and lush vegetation.

Another interesting tourist spot, perfect for adventurous travelers. It's a challenging climb, even for experienced hikers. I didn't anticipate the difficulty before arriving, thinking it would be a short, easy walk. However, the 2-kilometer trail proved to be much steeper and more strenuous than expected.

The steepness of the path guarantees sore legs. To prevent this, I brought along a trusty companion, a staple medication for any trip: Uniren Spray. It helps alleviate pain, and its small size makes it easy to carry. A few quick sprays, and voila! It's incredibly convenient.

The entire journey was filled with wading through water and various obstacles.

We continued walking for what felt like an eternity, covering a distance of 2 kilometers. The exhaustion was relentless, forcing us to catch our breath every few steps.

Nestled within the pristine wilderness of Hala-Bala, the crystal-clear waters originate from the heart of the untouched forest. Their unparalleled clarity and purity beckon visitors to immerse themselves in the invigorating embrace of nature, leaving them feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

This trip, I might have worn the wrong shoes. I didn't expect the hike to Pha Son to be this adventurous. Oh, I waded through the water. My shoes are probably soaked now. They'll be heavy, damp, and slow to dry. Oh well! 5555+

In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, it is essential to embrace experiences that broaden our horizons and enrich our understanding of the world. However, it is equally important to strike a balance between seeking adventure and maintaining a healthy respect for our well-being. As the saying goes, "Life is a journey, not a destination." While it is commendable to push our boundaries and explore new frontiers, it is crucial to do so in a way that does not jeopardize our physical or mental health. The speaker's brother's admonition, "You guys live like you don't want to live," highlights the potential dangers of pursuing experiences without due consideration for the consequences. Engaging in excessively strenuous or risky activities can lead to injuries, exhaustion, and even more serious health problems. It is important to remember that our bodies and minds have limits, and exceeding those limits can have detrimental effects. Moreover, the pursuit of extreme experiences can sometimes distract us from the simple joys and meaningful connections that make life truly worthwhile. While it is important to challenge ourselves and step outside of our comfort zones, it is equally important to appreciate the everyday moments that bring us happiness and fulfillment. Spending time with loved ones, pursuing our passions, and simply enjoying the beauty of the world around us are all essential components of a well-lived life. In conclusion, while it is admirable to seek out experiences that expand our horizons and challenge our limits, it is crucial to do so in a balanced and responsible manner. By prioritizing our well-being and appreciating the simple pleasures in life, we can ensure that our pursuit of experiences enriches our lives rather than detracts from them.

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After a grueling 3-hour climb, we finally reached the summit. Exhausted but exhilarated, we set up camp at the designated campsite near the edge of the pine forest. The breathtaking view from the cliff, just 500 meters away, was tempting, but camping or any other activity was strictly prohibited there due to the high risk of wildfires. We opted for the safer and more comfortable campsite, ensuring a peaceful and enjoyable stay.

Our living conditions were simple: a single bed frame with a mattress and a pillow, covered with a tarpaulin. It wasn't the most comfortable setup, as any sudden movements could result in a rather embarrassing tumble. One night, my friend rolled over and fell out of bed with a loud thud, much to the amusement of the others.

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After finishing the climb and setting up food and sleeping arrangements, there may be some soreness and tightness in the legs. Apply Uniren spray to the affected area to help relieve muscle pain. Spray until you feel relaxed before resting comfortably in the hammock.

A million stars shine tonight.

The serene atmosphere evokes the lyrics of a song, reminding us of the countless stars that accompany us tonight, along with the magnificent Milky Way.

Before we set out to photograph the stars, everyone was eager to go for a walk. My friend, who had been teasing me with the advertisement's catchphrase, said, "I'll just wait here in the hammock." He seemed tired and lazy. I didn't object. In the end, everyone went out to walk and take pictures of the stars, leaving only my friend in the darkness.

As everyone returned, they sat for a while, but it started to feel empty and desolate. However, I didn't dare to follow them alone, so I had to bow my head and accept my fate, remaining alone in the darkness. How much laughter is enough? You wouldn't go with me in the first place, haha. 5555+

After a night of deep sleep, we woke up refreshed and headed to the Pha Son viewpoint, a 500-meter walk from our campsite. As we arrived, we were greeted by a breathtaking sea of mist floating before us. It was a truly blissful morning, surrounded by nature, the ethereal mist, and the melodious chirping of birds.

The nickname "Sea of Mist with a Hundred Islands" originates from the numerous small hills that resemble islands when the mist clears. During periods of heavy mist, these hills emerge as islands amidst a sea of soft, white mist.

Experience the breathtaking beauty of the South, where the landscapes rival the stunning mist-shrouded mountains of the North. Immerse yourself in the region's unique charm, without the need to travel far.

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The sun is rising steadily, marking the true beginning of our new day.

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Is it like heaven? The atmosphere is so dreamy.

It's time for us to head back to our campsite to prepare breakfast and get ready for the return journey.

The sentence is already in English and does not require translation.

This morning, we had a simple breakfast to keep us going. Our guides helped us with the food, and they were all so kind and welcoming. They took such good care of us, and we were very impressed.

I love this kind of atmosphere. It gives me a glimpse into a different way of life amidst the mountains and forests.

After we have finished everything, we will prepare to descend the mountain and collect our belongings.

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This scene leaves no room for doubt about what's happening: it's a bath on a hammock! 5555+ Wiping their faces and eyes, they're doing everything on this hammock. There might not be any bathrooms or facilities here, so everyone has to find their own way.

The journey has come to an end at Pha Son, the sea of fog with hundreds of islands in Narathiwat-Balang. It was a short trip, but it was so much fun, so tiring, but also so impressive. I made many good friends with the people of Narathiwat, and I believe that when I return, I will still miss Narathiwat very much. This trip has changed my perspective on Narathiwat, making me see things I never expected to see in the 3 southern border provinces. You will surely fall in love with this province just like me. (:
